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Russia summons US envoy for Washington's meddling in internal affairs

Russia says it summoned a senior US diplomat in Moscow to lodge a formal protest against Washington's interference in the country's internal affairs, following a controversial move by the US embassy to support an unauthorized rally in the Russian capital late last week. 

09 Ağustos 2019
Russia summons US envoy for Washington's meddling in internal affairs

Russia says it summoned a senior US diplomat in Moscow to lodge a formal protest against Washington's interference in the country's internal affairs, following a controversial move by the US embassy to support an unauthorized rally in the Russian capital late last week.
The US embassy in Moscow published a map on social media showing the proposed route of the march.
Russia's Foreign Ministry reacted to the move on Friday, saying it had summoned a senior American diplomat over the published post.
“We underlined that we consider the publication of the route ... as promoting participation in (the protest) and calling for action, which constitutes interference in the internal affairs of our country," it said.
On August 3, demonstrators gathered in Moscow as a sign of protest to the government’s decision to disqualify a number of opposition candidates from standing in local elections.
The US has already come under fire for meddling in the internal affairs of China by triggering and encouraging anti-government protests in Hong Kong.
A recent report uncovered a photograph of a US diplomat meeting with members of the Hong Kong political party, Demosist, in the Chinese city.
Russia and the US have already been engaged in tensions; the most recent of which sparked after the US formally terminated a Cold War-era treaty with Russia that had banned nuclear-capable missiles with ranges of 500- 5,500 kilometers.
The withdrawal followed accusations by the US administration that Moscow had violated the treaty by deploying a new type of cruise missile, a charge Russia denies.
The US already planned to start testing a new class of missiles later this summer.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, warned on Monday that Moscow will be forced to begin developing short- and intermediate-range land-based nuclear missiles if Washington starts doing so.

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